
Journal of Legal Studies in Business

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The Journal of Legal Studies in Business (ISSN: 1078-3873) is a double blind, peer reviewed journal that has been published annually both in hard copy and electronic form since 1994. The journal is published by Cengage Learning, and is affiliated with the Academy of Legal Studies in Business via its Southeast Regional partner, the Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business. The Journal of Legal Studies in Business is a highly selective journal with an 18% acceptance rate in our most recent period, and a three year average acceptance rate of 25%. The journal is available in hard copy by subscription, and is carried by over 700 libraries and institutions across the United States. The journal is also indexed in the Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities and the Index to Legal Periodicals and Books, and is available in full text electronic version via the ABI/Inform and Ebsco Host databases and in delayed release on this page. The journal is also listed in the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) List of high quality publications. The JLSB soon will be transitioning to a Digital Commons platform, to ensure all articles are full-text indexed and searchable in major databases and search engines such as Google Scholar. The Journal of Legal Studies in Business features a variety of subject matter relating to business law, commercial law, international commerce, ethics, and social responsibility. We also publish a “pedagogical supplement” featuring substantive articles on the scholarship of teaching and learning relating to law and ethics instruction in higher education. Active Call For Submissions – Volume 24 Publication in Spring/Summer 2024 The Journal of Legal Studies in Business (JLSB) is the official publication of the Southeastern Academy of Legal Studies in Business (SEALSB) as a regional section of the affiliated international Academy of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB). See LINK. As of Fall 2023, JLSB is now actively accepting papers to be considered for inclusion in its upcoming volume 24, slated to be published in Spring/Summer of 2024.