
Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property

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The Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property is a student-run publication at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law. Chicago-Kent offers one of the best Intellectual Property Law programs in the United States. The Journal’s mission is to present articles that analyze the fundamental issues affecting intellectual property rights, the changing climate of different intellectual property areas, and issues and opinions surrounding recent judicial opinions and how they may affect the future of intellectual property rights, among others. The Journal accepts submissions from all levels of authors including law students, professors and academics, and practicing professionals. Articles accepted for publication may cover any area of intellectual property including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. The Journal is available on our website and via other electronic research services such as Westlaw, LexisNexis, and HeinOnline. Our citing reference is: __ Cʜɪ.-Kᴇɴᴛ J. Iɴᴛᴇʟʟ. Pʀᴏᴘ. __ Contact us at