The Boston College Law Review, ranked #16 in the nation by Washington & Lee's 2022 Law Journal Rankings, was the first scholarly publication at Boston College Law School. Now, after consolidating several of the school's specialty journals under the Review, it operates with a larger, more diverse editorial staff, publishes eight issues each year, and aspires to present scholarship from an equally diverse breadth of the law. Each issue includes articles written by prominent outside authors, such as Professor Vikram David Amar, Professor Herbert Hovenkamp, and Professor Jeremy Waldron, and several works prepared by BCLR's own student staff writers.
Second-year staff members also prepare short comments on recent court decisions for publication in the Review’s electronic supplement. As the online companion to the Boston College Law Review, the Electronic Supplement (E. Supp.) features analysis of timely legal issues. E. Supp. issues can be found here. The Review is not currently accepting external submissions to the E. Supp.
Please note that the volume of articles we receive prevents us from responding to every submission.
Please submit the following items along with your article:
- Cover letter that references the article’s title, briefly describes the article, and contains the author’s name, affiliation, and full contact information (including phone number and e-mail address); and
- Resume, bio, or brief curriculum vitae.
- We prefer Microsoft Word format, but will also accept documents in WordPerfect or Adobe Acrobat formats. For other formats, please inquire before submitting.
We do not publish articles by law students currently enrolled at other schools. We reserve space for student-authored works in our volumes for our own students’ work.
If your article has received a formal offer of publication from another journal, we will make every effort to comply with a request for expedited review.
We require all of the following information to process your request for expedited review:
- Your name and contact information;
- The title of your article;
- The source of the competing offer(s); and
- Your deadline.
More Questions About Submitting to the BCLR?
General questions about article submissions may be directed to Information regarding permission to reprint, subscriptions, and purchasing back issues may be directed to John Gordon, Boston College Law Review Manager, at the following: phone (617) 552-8557; fax (617) 552-4098; or e-mail
Ms. Laura Stateler, Boston College Law School
Ms. Kristie-Valerie Hoang, Boston College Law School
Mr. Marco Cobian, Boston College Law School
Ms. Shanda Stepp, Boston College Law School